Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 191

Since we live in Benton now, I rarely make it over to the "other side of town" anymore. And by other side of town, I mean where David and I used to live in west Shreveport. But this weekend, on the way to my friend's house in Keatchie, I passed by the elementary school where I used to teach. And what a pleasant surprise it was to see the name of a precious little boy that I taught in first grade listed as the fifth grade student of the year! I know teachers are not supposed to have favorites, but we do and Macon was definitely one of my favorites! I am so proud of him and can't wait to see what kinds of great things his future holds!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Holly this brought tears to my eyes! I always think about if I'll hear one of my former students' names on the news one day (for GOOD reason I hope!) or as a famous athlete or movie star!! ;)
