Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 300- 2 months old!

At 2 months old, Max is a great sleeper! He's even slept through the night twice now! He's also incredibly alert when he's awake and loves to play, laugh, and squeal.

As a side note, it felt pretty darn good to type the number 300 today! Only 65 days left- and sorry folks, I will NOT be continuing the 365 days blog next year. Way too much for this mama!

Day 299- 2 months old!

At 2 months old, Max had his first visit to the Pumpkin Patch. As is the theme of our week, it was a disaster but I lived to tell about it! Here's some pictures before things started going south!

Since Max hasn't been feeling super-great lately, he slept the whole time we were there. I really wanted to get some cute ones with him and Bailey, but she was throwing a fit because she got straw in her shoes and refused to touch him. Then she started fussing and said she didn't even want a pumpkin (which was good because I didn't have any cash or my checkbook with me and they wouldn't take credit or debit cards!). Here's the quintessential "Sit down, shutup, and act like you're happy to be here" picture!

And then some outtakes...

Bailey and Max not getting along!

And my very favorite (it cracks me up more every time I look at it). David calls this the "Didn't I tell you to get that stupid camera out of my face???" picture!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 298- 2 months old!!!

This face pretty much sums up our day!!!

At 2 months old, I can sadly say that Max has had his first really terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Here's how it went:

6:00AM- woke up to a very happy mommy because he slept all night, but immediately started fussing because he felt bad (mommy's diagnosis was an ingrown toenail and the stomach bug)

9:45AM- Arrived at Mid City Pediatrics after dropping Sister off at school

10:00AM- tried to nurse (WITHOUT my boppy!!!) in the waiting room and it was an utter disaster!

12:00 noon- FINALLY got called back to a patient room after being in the waiting room for over 2 hours!

1:30PM- After about 4 hours at the doctor's office, left with this diagnosis: NOT the stomach bug (YEA!!!), but a reaction to one of his vaccines AND an infected ingrown toetail that the doctor had to take blood for and poke around in with a needle. BAD DAY FOR LITTLE MAX!

The chaos continued after we got Bailey and went home, but I'm too tired to even think about it anymore!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 297- 2 months old!!!

At 2 months old, Max is always on the go. He's such an easy and pleasant baby. And I'm so glad because being on the go with a high-maintenance kid would be a living nightmare! Today, despite the fact that he's currently suffering from an ingrown toenail and a stomach bug, I got some sweet smiles out of him for our monthly tie photo shoot.

Day 296- 2 months old!!!

This week is my tribute to Max's second month! I can't believe he's 2 months old already! (I also can't believe the letter "r" has popped off my keyboard and we can't find it. So every time I need to type an r, I have to stick a pen in the hole. Not fun!!!) Anyway...

At 2 months old, Max LOVES tummy time! (Bailey despised it!) Therefore, he's gotten really good at propping himself up and holding his head up.

Doesn't that little smirk make your heat melt!!!

Day 295

Tonight was the long-awaited Disney Princess show at Century-Tel. Daddy has been sick this weekend (possibly just a ploy to get out of going to watch Cinderella???), so we invited Bailey's friend Mary Ashtyn to go with us instead. The two girls had a BLAST! Can't say the same for Max who is still not happy after his shots yesterday.

Day 294

WOW!!! This is what I've been looking at all evening!

Max had his 1st set of vaccines today and my usually serene and go-with-the-flow baby has been out of control all day. Hope tomorrow gets better!